Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meetin  Of  Brunswick Juventus Football Club Inc.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the members of the Association that the Annual General Meeting will be held as follows:

 Date:               Wednesday 23rd  November 2022.

Venue:            DeChene Reserve, Coburg VIC, 3058

Time:              7.00 p.m.


  1. Appointment of a Chairperson
  2. Apologies
  3. To confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting of 9th December 2020.
  4. To receive reports from:

(i)               President

(ii)              Secretary

(iii)            Treasurer

(iv)            Football Manager – Senior Women

(v)             Football Manager – Senior Men

(vi)            Football Managers – All Juniors

  1. To elect a maximum of fifteen (15) Officers of the Association, Ordinary Committee.
  2. General Business
  3. Close


By Order of the Committee of Executive Management


Natasha Carlesso



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