1.     Introduction

All FFV football clubs are required to implement the Child Safe Standards and the mandatory reporting guidelines from the Victorian Government's amendment to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) (“CYFA”) and the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) (“Crimes Act”).

Moreland Zebras Juventus (the “Club”) is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children. We have zero-tolerance for child abuse. Everyone involved at the Club is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.

2.     Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to:

a)     work towards a Club culture of child safety;

b)     ensure that all persons are aware of their responsibilities for identifying possible occasions for child abuse and for establishing procedures for preventing such abuse and/or detecting such abuse when it occurs;

c)     provide guidance on responding where a person suspects any child abuse within all Club Environments;

d)     provide a clear statement to players, committee members, volunteers, employees and contractors forbidding any such abuse; and

e)     provide assurance that any and all suspected abuse will be investigated.

f)       The FFV Child Protection Guidelines, available on the FFV website, has more detailed information on each of these areas.  The Club will use all reasonable endeavours to adopt and comply with those Guidelines in its recruitment practices.


In addition to this Policy, the FFV has produced Child Protection Guidelines which are available on the FFV website.  The Club will comply with those Guidelines to aid and supplement this policy.

Please download the full policy for more information 


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